Saturday, November 22, 2008
Hampton Baychandelier Replacement Parts
Friday, November 21, 2008
Animals Zoophilia For Free
Friday, October 24, 2008
Places In Tyler To Get A Brazilian Wax
St. Peter-Ording offers with its 12 km long and up to 2,000 m wide sand beach probably the largest beach experience on the North- coast of Schleswig-Holstein.
The combination of sea water and clean air make make each stay a Klimakur - so casually.
In St. Peter-Ording is the supply of apartments , apartment , Rentals , Hotels and Pensions quite large. Depending on season and length of stay include Apartments and apartments from 25, - € per day available. In district of St. Peter-Ording Bad many hotels or guest houses , the spa with the popular adventure " dunes spa " are located. Kiter Buggsfahrer and surfers not only in the district Ording enlisting, affordable accommodation as apartments , apartments and pensions.
The tip is for years of stylish district village cozy restaurants and beer gardens . Even there, the supply of affordable apartments , vacation rentals and large.
Apartments The spacious beach makes Pet in St. Peter-Ording an experience. Plenty of uninterrupted run for your four-legged friend are available at all beaches. Many landlords have settled on the Pet best and suitable holiday , apartments and hotels or offer pensions for the " holidays dog (or pet ) On.
We look forward to your visit:
. PS: Of course we also campsites and caravan sites in our offer for you.
Wednesday, July 2, 2008
Yugioh Batteryman Otk Deck For Sale
can we go on holiday (plus EUR 3.00 per day per pet). As a little bonus you will also receive 10% discount in our business. Our concern is that you feel comfortable in our house. We are glad if we welcome you as our guest may ... Welcome to Family Wieben in St. Peter - Ording ...
--- and here the website: www.appartements
Sunday, March 9, 2008
Moist Heat For Swelling
Tuesday, March 4, 2008
Clear Discharge Before Menstruation
ENCOD - European Coalition for Just and Effective Drug Policies
Do You Get Implantation Bleeding Twice With Twins
Alice-Project in Vienna ...
Drug Peace! - Actions to the UN Conference on Drugs - Vienna, 7-9. March 2008.
In June 1998 the United Nations announced a 10-year strategy to achieve measurable results in the fight against drugs. This strategy includes a significant reduction in the cultivation of cannabis, coca and opium poppy by the year 2008. On March 10th, 2008, shall take the Drug Commission of the United Nations in Vienna to review the results of this strategy.
was in the last 10 years, the war on drugs "once again unsuccessful. The use of drugs can cause problems, but the prohibition of drugs causes disasters. Millions of people are criminalized, billions of dollars are spent on a pointless and counterproductive "war on drugs". Efforts to reduce the harm and improve responsible use of drugs are actively thwarted by governments. Meanwhile, the drug market remains in the hands of organized crime, whose huge profits. This disrupted the global economic system, and widespread corruption is a consequence. The drug policy should be a matter of public health, not the executive.
We ask the UN, the right of every adult citizen of the world to grow plants for personal use and not commercial purposes. At the same time should be allowed each country to test a drug policy that are not based on prohibition. "Vienna 2008" the opportunity of this urgent message to the United Nations. Please join us in Vienna!
The program
Friday 7 March 2008 14:00
meeting in earnest Kirchweger House (EKH), Wielandgasse 2-4 1100 Vienna (U1, Keplerplatz) 17:00
Drug Peace March from PRATERSTERN (U1, S1/S2) to the Vienna International Centre
19:00 Drug Peace ride bicycles and skates
21:00 After Party in the ARENA, Tree 80, 1030 Wien (U3 Erdberg)
Bands: Patiocrash (A) (garage sonic punk), The Pooh (CZ) (rock stoner rock), Sprostá Otázka (SK) (punk'n'roll) -
DJs: Shutcoo & support Waker Gordon Flippers (SK) (Dubstep, DnB), Shanti B (BEL) (Goa, DnB), Peet Loop ( SK) (Trance, House).
Saturday 8 March 2008 Drug Peace Conference
in the old AKH, Hof 2, lecture hall C1, Spitalgasse 2, 1090 Vienna (U2 Schottentor, U6 Alserstrasse, line 43,44)
14:00 to 16:00 Admission free
drug prohibition a convenient lie / Peter Webster (USA / France) 16:00 to 18:00
the influence of drugs on the brain / DI Peter Rausch (Austria), Dr. Christian Rätsch (Germany), Jochen Gartz (Germany)
18.00 Dinner 19:00 to 21:00
plants and politics: Beatriz Negrety Condori (Bolivia), Virginia Montanes (Spain), Joep Oomen (Netherlands)
21:00 -24.00 Drug Peace Concert with Alex (Austria), Peppe Voltarelli (Italy), ...
Sunday 9 March 2008
10:00 to 12:00 Cannabis: Medicine for man and Society / Dr Kurt Blaas (Austria), Martin Barriuso (Spain)
12:00 to 14:00 race, class, and drug war: Clifford Thornton (USA), Raimondo Pavarin (Italy)
14.00 Lunch 15:00 to 5:00 p.m.
ibogaine: therapy under pressure Prohibition / Dana Beal (USA), Jacques de Schryver (France), Boaz Wachtel (Israel), Patrick Venulejo, (Czech Republic)
Open 17:00 to 19:00 Discussion 19:00
Film: War on Drugs
The war against drugs must end! Help us close to peace!
More info:
Info Movie:
ENCOD - European Coalition for Just and Effective Drug Policies
Long Lozanastraat 14, B-2018 Antwerp -