With this post I will close my blog.
I will elsewhere be found again, but in a different form.
I hope you me will continue to pay a visit.
Why do this?
from pure reason.
I see just that I do not spend as much time left to wage a blog so as most of you do.
like I also do not reveal all that much to me and my family, because after all sometimes students or their parents might find their way here.
And apropos P.
I'm realistic times. If I from 15 September with 16 hours of a first class guide, I would like to contribute as fully real. I'm looking forward to it very much indeed!
I will certainly knit and sew and show the things.
But there are few words to be made drum.
I will also not commenting hire more, since I always feel a little rude and a bad conscience have, if I never comment back. Who wants to get rid of what can also mail me yes.
So, that's it.
Maybe we'll meet again in my new blog. At the
I have to work but still a bit ;-)
Such was not meant. I do not want to stop blogging!
I will not delete this blog.
I would like to reduce a little. In particular, the personal scribblings
And before I slim down the Maxi Lotta Blog and change, I let the way he is
and open a new one.
I will not paint over, I want a new wallpaper.
And do not worry, you can find me already :-)