Today the weather was warm in St. Peter-Ording on Böhler beach and in the afternoon the sun was still down sharply from the blue sky. Here at Böhler dike, near de Böhler lighthouse you can play well with his four-legged friend ball. Merlin, our 1-year-old Border Collie playing there care about. Photo: Pet in St. Peter-Ording: www.urlaub-with-hund.stpeterording.de Looking for a hotel in the district of St. Peter-Ording Bad for Pet in St. Peter-Ording ? Here is our recommendation hotel and is the Best for people ( pool, sauna, great doubles , spacious hotel apartments , great service) and animal (dune terrain, great for walking and hiking trails ):
If for holiday recreation is ...
"Dunes Hotel Eulenhof"
Leader: G. Herth
In Bath 91-95 25 826
St. Peter-Ording
Phone: 04 863 / 9655 - Fax 0
: 04863 / 9655 - 155
e-mail: info@duenenhotel-eulenhof.de
Internet: eulenhof.de www.duenenhotel-
aka www.hotel-eulenhof.de
panoramic photos: www.360grad-foto.com